SoftHose :: The Original Soft Oxygen Cannula
SoftHose :: The Original Soft Oxygen Cannula


My wife Chris has retired from the cannula making business. She has been putting in 60 hour weeks since 1999 and deserves a rest. Each cannula was hand made and she barely made minimum wage after materials and taxes but she did it for her customers.

We realize this has left a lot of people in a bind so we are planning to start making them again. My brother Mark is learning to run the nosepiece molding machine and we are able to produce cannulas. He is not happy about minimum wage though so we need to raise the price to $80 for 10 pieces plus shipping.

Hope you understand.


The World's Most Comfortable Cannula

Ultra-Flexible tubing and a form fitting nosepiece make this cannula far more comfortable than anything else available.

My Story

My Aunt Delores uses oxygen and was tired of catching her 50-foot line underfoot. I'm a mechanical engineer so she thought maybe I could help. Now my aunt was always good to me when I was growing up and now I could do something nice for her. It just so happened that a plastics salesman had just given us a roll of tubing made from a new PVC compound that was extremely supple and laid down like a piece of wet spaghetti. I sent her a 50-foot piece and she said "It's the greatest thing since indoor toilets". But there was more. The tubing didn’t twist or kink. Her regular hose twisted and kinked and had to be unwound every day. Now she wanted me to make a cannula from the same tubing. It looked a little funny with big tubes, but she loved it.

Now I needed small diameter flex tubing to go over the ears. I used one of the extrusion machines at lunchtime and managed to make some with the correct inside and outside diameters. This smaller tubing was even more flexible and, once again she loved it. At this point the vee-shaped nosepiece had not been invented.

Now for the nosepiece. I was standing in front of a mirror holding a horizontal nail (my first molds were made from nails) under my nose like the straight section of an ordinary cannula. I thought it would be good to make a little vertical dip or divot in the middle so it doesn’t bear on the bottom of the nose. Then I noticed that looking down from above the face forms a peak at the middle so I added another dip pointing straight out. I realized that I could bend the nail into a vee shape and that gave me the clearance in both directions. And this vee matched the shape of the face so there is no incentive for the cannula to move out of place. I sent her a cannula to try out and she declared it to be perfect. That was good enough for me so I made molds with those same dimensions and that is what we’ve made ever since. --Paul Thompson

Our Family In New Zealand

SoftHose :: The Original Soft Oxygen Cannula
SoftHose :: The Original Soft Oxygen Cannula

Contact Us

SoftHose :: The Original Soft Oxygen Cannula

We assure you that your email address will never be used for any purpose other than for us to contact you. We value your privacy as much as we value our own.


Mailing Address:
Paul Thompson
11472 Tree Hollow Lane
San Diego Ca 92128

SoftHose :: The Original Soft Oxygen Cannula
SoftHose :: The Original Soft Oxygen Cannula


SoftHose :: The Original Soft Oxygen Cannula

Regular Cannula

Our original super soft oxygen cannula

Available with 7 foot or 4 foot extension tubing.


SoftHose :: The Original Soft Oxygen Cannula

Lite Cannula

Our super soft oxygen cannula in a Lite version.

Available with 7 foot or 4 foot extension tubing.


SoftHose :: The Original Soft Oxygen Cannula

Narrow Cannula

Our super soft oxygen cannula with smaller tubing and nasal prongs.

Available in 7 foot extension tubing only.




SoftHose :: The Original Soft Oxygen Cannula

Dual Cannula

Our super soft oxygen cannula with dual oxygen capability.

Available in custom lengths, please specify in comments.


Currently only available as a special order item. email



SoftHose :: The Original Soft Oxygen Cannula

Hi-Flow Cannula

Our super soft oxygen cannula for higher liter flow users.

Available in custom lengths, please specify in comments.


Currently only available as a special order item. email


SoftHose :: The Original Soft Oxygen Cannula

Extension Tubing

SoftHose :: The Original Soft Oxygen Cannula

Our original super soft no-kink extension tubing. Available in 15 ft, 25 ft or 50 ft lengths.



SoftHose :: The Original Soft Oxygen Cannula

Flow Valve

Adjust the flow rate from where you sit. 2 position valve switches between normal flow (set at the concentrator) and a minimum flow (which you choose). This does not work with portable concentrators.

For in-line use $40.00.

Minimum Flo rate


SoftHose :: The Original Soft Oxygen Cannula

Customer Comments

I am delighted with the "oh so soft" cannula which I just received a few days ago. It completely did away with ear irritation I experience while wearing a conventional cannula overnight. I hardly realize that I am wearing it. Thank you for publishing your article last issue about it and to Paul Thompson for developing it. It is a great product and I highly recommend it. --Earl Richmond, Arizona

I had ordered one of the new soft cannula's that you made. It came this past week and it is wonderful. I hardly know that I am even wearing one. It feels especially good at night when I go to bed. Thank you very much. --Bill Anderson, Wisconsin

The nose piece is what I had in mind..I just love the cannulas they are so soft and easy for me. It is so gentle on my skin. .. I am enjoying the use and it is so lite weight. --Nancy Peterson, Maryland

I have been on oxygen therapy for about ten years on a 24hour a day schedule. During this period of time I have had a sore nose most of the time and my ears hurt constantly. This has been a real source of pain and aggravation. The soreness inside the nose causes concern that it might develop into cancer and is always worrisome. When I read of Paul Thompson's efforts and new discovery in the Pulmonary Paper Volumn12 no.3 dated July/August 2001, I immediately responded and sent for an adult cannula. I received a very quick response from Paul Thompson and I started at once to use the new cannula he sent me.

In a matter of only two days, my nose had healed and is no longer sore and my ears do not hurt at all any more. I am free of any pain for the first time in years and it is like a miracle has been performed. I am normally a very conservative person who looks at things very cautiously and critically and yet I can't say enough good things about this new product. I am convinced that this product deserves consideration by each and every oxygen supplier in the world for distribution to their clients. --Raymond Breno Sr., Ohio

Yesterday I received one of Paul Thompson's soft cannulas and used it last nite. I couldn't even tell I was wearing a cannula, I had to keep checking during the nite to see if it was still on. This has to be the most comfortable cannula ever made. --Bill Holford, Colorado

It works beautifully..............That's why I ordered another one!!! --Audrey Slein, Illinois

I received the tubing and cannula that I ordered in the mail yesterday. I wanted to let you know I am very satisfied with both. The cannula is much softer and the tubing really does lie flat on the floor. I hope that they soon will become available through our medical suppliers. Sincerely. --Rita Slater, Pennsylvania

The cannula that we just purchased from you is exactly all you said it would be. I am going to order a few more. --Jim Gardina, Florida

Cannulas received. Exceptionally soft. Thank you. Will be in touch to reorder. --Jim Henry, Ohio

Thank you for the prompt delivery of the cannula. It is everything and more that it was to be! Thanks so much. --Judith McLuen, Iowa

Thank you so very much from me and all other O2 users! ! The cannula and tubing you developed is wonderful! At this time, I only need to use the oxygen at night but in the morning a lot of the time, I would have a deep impression on one or the other cheek. It would take forever to go away. This creation of yours has helped relieve that problem. --Sandra Webb, West Virginia

Dear Paul,
First of all, I want to thank you so much for these wonderful cannulas. I can't believe that someone could make something as wonderful as you have. I always had a very sore nose. Those other cannulas are horrible. You must love your Aunt Dolores very much. I am happy to say that so many of us will benefit from your labor of love.

I recently went to have some Pulmonary Function testing done. The Respiratory Therapists were amazed with this cannula. I sent them a copy of The Pulmonary Paper and your new price list. I look for you to get several orders. I never want to have to use any other one again. Thank you, and I wish you many good blessings. Sincerely, --Irene Sudano, Ohio

Paul, I ordered a cannula from you recently and it is WONDERFUL! --Pat Head, Florida

Hi Paul
Received the cannulas today. Thank you ever so much for sharing these with us. Good luck to you, --Judith

Paul...Wednesday I received the 50' tether and two hoses I had ordered from you. I hooked up the tether immediately and now, twenty-some hours later, find that I am hopelessly hooked on your product. My wife, who has had to listen to my tirades regarding my previous tubing, said "Quick! Order another one!!!". So tomorrow (as soon as I find your website) I will post a check to you for another tether. Congratulations on developing the better product...Thanks --Ted Volante

Just a note to tell you how happy I am with your cannula's. They were all very comfortable, love the short nose prongs. Also the flexibility of the tubing is outstanding!! Can't say enough good things about the D-6 dual cannula, love it!! Too top it off your prompt delivery was sooner then expected. I'll be placing another order very soon. --TIGERMAN, California

For the Cannula that I just got in the mail a few minutes ago !!!!!!  WOW !!!  I'd have written right the second I got it, but I HAD to try it on and once I did I was mesmerized. It's everything you said it would be !!!!  AND MORE !  With all the other ones I've tried, for one thing, it always had a lot of oxygen leaking out. I don't hear any leakage. Before it was quite loud. And it is sooooooo comfortable. I can understand people waking up and night and thinking they didn't have it on. It is very comfortable. Now I'm really excited thinking of the hose coming one of these days. I tried to get the hose on this one to tangle. NOT !!!  So it stands to reason that the 50' would not tangle up either. I told Lincare about ordering it today. I asked if they carried it... I knew they didn't. I told them that when the hose came, I would let them see it and the invoice. I'm praying that maybe they would handle it. I'd be more than willing to pay extra just to get these. Right now I get my supplies free as I signed a hardship form. But I'd pay to get these for sure. --Cheryle Salas

Just got the cannulas you sent--put one on right away...Wow! sooo soft.....I love it.. I'll let you know---in a few days how I am doing with it---Thanks!! --Sherrie, Florida;

They are really great--I will never go back to the old kind. --Lynn Anderson, DeLand, Florida.

I just can't tell you how great this feels,not only on my face but my ears feel better already. After 5 years of misery I can't say thank you enough. --Sally Miller, Newfield, NY

Dan absolutely loves the new cannula and the piping is unreal. It lays flat on the floor and gives him the advantage of getting into the shower without all the twists and balling up. Now I have to go back and order more. Keep up the good work. Thank God for you people who try to do something to make this terrible disease bearable. He hasn't lost the cannula at night and doesn't wake up with the headaches from having it fall out. It sort of "sticks to his face" and that is a real plus. You?re the best!!! PS He is even less crabby, hope it is the new cannula and not the zoloft kicking in. Thanks --Sheri

I got an announcement of your "better cannula" in my rehab class at El Camino Hospital in Mountain View, California. Some people in the class ordered one and sing their praises. Are you still selling them? If so, please let me know. I would like to order one. Thanks very much and thanks for your concern. --Kennell Jackson

I'm more than happy to recommend your product to others, as I find your cannula's to be VERY comfortable. I'm also impressed with the personal touch and concerns for your customers that you most certainly have shown from day one. (Hard to find that type of sincerity any more) Thanks for your help!! --Bill Edmunds

Several weeks ago I wrote and said that I liked your cannulas very much, but that the nose prongs were too short for me. You thoughtfully sent me a cannula with longer prongs. Chris included a note asking how this new cannula works for me -- it's great!! Just my size!! Sorry this reply took until now (I was trying to get the last bit of "mileage" out of the old one before trying the new one). Keep on producing this type of tubing..Thanks again for your help, and God bless! --Bill Wright

Love the 50' line . . . cannula is also great! --Marianne

I'm amazed again. In just about 30 hours since starting to use your cannula I have had less nose trouble than I was having. I thought it must be a temporary fluke, but perhaps not! If having a better cannula stops or even reduces the frequency of nosebleeds - well, WOW! this should be shouted from the housetops! I had already printed out your web page info and will be giving it to a friend tomorrow night (after showing him the actual product). I'm quite sure I'll find others to tell. I've found that an oxygen tank is a great conversation piece. I've been approached in stores, in theaters and in the street by strangers who have a mother, husband or friend who uses oxygen and has been saddled with a big, clumsy tank. I don't have a 3.4 lb.Helios (YET!) but a 5 1/2 pound "Companion" that is much more maneuverable then the 10 lb. "Stroller" which seems to be the standard issue. I feel as if I'm conducting a one woman campaign to liberate my fellow oxygen dependents from lugging unecessary weight and bulk just because its cheaper for their insurance companies. AND, next time someone asks me, "Where did you get that cute little tank", I'll also be bending their ear about comfortable cannulas! --Hazel Horti

BTW, this is the second cannula that I wore a month. I didn't know the date I started wearing it, but yesterday I decided that it was getting a bit sharp and I have so very many of them .... so I just got out a new one. I always save the old ones in plastic baggies though. They are a whole lot more comfortable than the Salter ones. So, without knowing it, I took the cannula off and changed to a new one at exactly one month time. Neat, huh ? That is a excellent selling point for you. I defy Salter to find a customer that wears theirs for a month or even close.... unless it was out of necessity for some reason. I don't want to use those dumb Salter cannulas!!! --Cheryle

I've really been enjoying the cannulas and am ready to order more. I wash mine and, so far all is well. I think I can use as long as they don't get hard or show signs of "falling apart". I just wanted to touch bases with you and let you know that I got to sort of test my new Helios cannula the other day. We've been having some real cold weather and I went off with my husband to feed the cows. Well, after we were on our way I reached down to take my cannula out in order to put it on. Hadn't done that inside as I was in a hurry. The firmer part of this newer variety was cold and it was sort of hard. The part going to the nose was soft as can be. I was alarmed at first and re-checked in a bit. Was I ever happy to see that it had already gotten a bit less firm and even when I went outside and stayed it was just fine. I really think this will work. All I can say it that I am immensely pleased and thank you guys so much. Hope all is well with you. Stay warm. --Peche

I did not realize how wonderful your cannula's are until I went back to the others that I get from my supplier. Within two days, I was having nose bleeds again. Thank you! --Dona L. Lahm

I wanted to let you know that the new Helios cannula arrived today. It is wonderful! Just perfect and absolutely no smell. Can't be beat. Thanks so much. You?re providing a wonderful service. --Elinore Klein

I have been using the cannula you produce for several weeks, and I would agree -- it really is the most comfortable cannula that I have ever worn. You have a good product. --Bill Wright

In my earlier post I mentioned that I went with my husband to see his doctor. Well, this doctor's office is at the same hospital that I use to go to rehab....for about 3 years. I always stop by Pulm. Rehab to visit with the Therapists and the few that were there when I use to go. Well, they weren't familiar with the Helios as Lincare and Apria in the Baton Rouge area don't handle them. They were raving on and on when the girl from Cardiac noticed the cannula and I extended it to her. She was thrilled with the softness and thought the firmer line was great. She asked for me to send your information to her so she could be able to tell the Pulmonary group about it. Don't know who was or my husband!!!!!! He's so happy that I found something to make wearing the 02 a bit more pleasant. I will get the info to her and hope that some of the folks are interested. First thing she said is that if it were her on 02, she'd be willing to pay a bit for those. I hope the people on 02 feel that way. Anyway, I was so happy about it that I thought I'd let you know. Keep up the good work. You guys probably don't know just how much your work means to us. Thanks, --Collette

Good morning Paul, I received your cannula and flow regulator. I have to agree--the cannula is the world's most comfortable cannula. --Jeanette Vielhaber

It is amazingly comfortable. I don't feel I'm wearing a nose piece and the first day I kept touching it to make sure it was in place. I've worn it several days and slept with it on each night with no alarm signal from the concentrator. I highly recommend Mr. Thompson's company for the quality and comfort of his products and his willingness to extend his service to guarantee a satisfied customer. Perhaps with a larger volume of customers, his prices will decrease for the cannula. $16 to 20 a month is not too steep on a low, fixed income, but it sure would be difficult to go back to the old hard, ill-fitting cannula. --Chris Thomas

Mr. Thompson - when I got home last night the package was there. Thank you so much - this stuff is great! --Shirley

A message from my Aunt Delores

Dear Paul: Thanks for forwarding the e-mail referring to your 50 ft. supple hose as "heavenly hose". This is the most apt description I have heard to date about this hose, which I don't think you stress enough. Never having been tethered to an oxygen concentrator you have no idea what a frustrating problem the conventional hose is. Due to the conventional hose being stiff, it easily twists and tangles and as it has a "memory" the act of straightening the hose only makes it tangle easier the next time as the memory of the twist is still there. My husband often had to untangle me twice a day. I had to sit down as he disengaged the hose at the concentrator and removed my cannula while he was straightening it out. If I was having a bad day breathing wise, I would use my portable oxygen during this process. This was annoying, to say the least, and at times my oxygen supply did not go through the twisted hose again giving me a big problem. My husband was as much a prisoner as I was.

I have my concentrator centrally located so that I can reach most areas of my home allowing me freedom to move around as best I can. However, when I moved to remote areas (such as bathroom, bedroom or computer room), I had to make sure my husband was here because if my hose kinked or twisted or came loose from the concentrator, I was in tough shape. This made life difficult for both of us. There were times that he had to be outside to do yard work or go to the store so I made sure I had what I needed and stayed put until he returned. Until you are 30 feet from your concentrator and you lose your oxygen supply because of a twist or the hose comes loose-you don't know what a panic situation you can be in. No air, no way to get to it, and no one to help. This can keep you sitting still when you are alone.

Since I received my "heavenly hose," these twists are a thing of the past. I can now move freely throughout my home without fear of the hose twisting and shutting off my oxygen supply. The only thing I do is hold the connector between my cannula and 4 ft. connector hose where it connects to the 50 foot tether and if I get hung up on something I do not have to worry about losing my oxygen. I simply backtrack and loosen the tether and go on about my business. My husband feels free to be outside, go to the store and resume a more normal life. I feel free to move about my house with far more freedom and life is much more pleasant. Living with oxygen 24 hours a day, 7 days a week is no picnic, but at least your "heavenly hose" has made my problem much more bearable and I thank you. Please let people know how wonderful the tether hose is. I truthfully don't think you know how much this has helped and I hope others in my situation can start using this great hose and regain some freedom and peace of mind that I have experienced. One more thought-when cold weather arrives all of your customers have a surprise in store for them. This hose and your cannulas do not react like the conventional hose and get stiff and unyielding. It stays soft and supple, the nose pieces don't feel like ice picks in your nostrils and going out in the cold is no longer a problem. Wonder of wonders! I know whereof I speak as I have field tested this equipment or quite awhile and I will only be happy when the day arrives that your comfortable cannulas and supple "heavenly hose" are mass produced and available to everyone. I would like all users to be as comfortable as I am. --Love, Aunt Delores

Your products are great and so much more comfortable for me. Thanks, --Susan

Found out about your great cannulas via the EFFORTS website. They are great - even though I can get Salter "free" ones from, Apria \ Healthcare, my oxygen provider. Cheers, --Rich


You may not get many compliments, but those of us stuck with oxygen tubes up our noses sure appreciate the difference between your product and those scratchy "standard" tubes that irritate our tender tissues. --Elaine

I was looking for a cannula that was soft, but also one that did not have a plastic smell. I have been nearly nauseated by the cannulas I am currently getting through Apria. Last night, I used your cannula for the first time, and it was terrific, soft and none of that nagging smell. --Kennell

Your work has given me a life that is bearable with this horrible disease. --Grace

Hello, I placed my first order with you in mid Dec. I had been hearing about "softhose" for ages in the copd forums that I get into, just hadn't tried.... I was so shocked and happy at the difference they make! I can't even begin to tell you the relief I felt, instantly! thank you so much for making these... I have placed a new order for more!!!! thanks again Sincerely, --Wendy V

The only thing that has gone right about oxygen for me, so far, had been your cannula. It is so soft, so forgiving, that I truly don't know if it's in place (took a few nighttime wakeups to determine!). Each night when I put it on, I think of my mother and how much she would have liked something so tender on her fragile skin during the last years of her life. Thank you so much, --Myrna

Received the "soft cannulae" this afternoon. My wife tried it and was very impressed. It was indeed soft. I made a bee-line to our medical supply house and showed the manager the sample. His jaw dropped. We deal with Lincare who have 90 nation wide offices. They will be in touch with you. Good luck

I'm so glad to hear from you as I thought that I lost know you always answer promptly and I was ready to panic as I could never go back to the other cannulas after using yours... in fact, I have to tell you that two weeks ago I went for my follow up exam with my pulmo doctor and he remarked on how great my cannula was and I told him it was the softest and the best ...he asked me where they could be purchased and I gave him your name, I'm sure you'll be getting some new customers.

All I can say is WOW! And of course...thank you for developing this wonderful hose! I no longer have 'face dents' or behind the ear irritation and most importantly....the nose piece is SO comfortable! The cannula is so light weight that I hardly know I have one on my face! The hose I purchased from you lays on the floor and I no longer have all that tangled mess in the house and if I happen to step outside for a moment...the hose does. NOT get rock hard when it is cold. Thank you! I am off to order more! can certainly add this to your customer comments! --Deb Fortune

Slum263 Slumming by Su Lum An Oxygen Breakthrough I was trolling around on the internet looking for oxygen supplies and came across a listing for the world?s most comfortable cannulas. I clicked on the site,, and was intrigued to read that Paul Thompson, an engineer in the medical industry, had invented this cannula for his aunt Delores when she was put on oxygen, to make life easier for her.

Cannulas are the "bridles" of plastic tubing that oxygen patients wear: two prongs up the nostrils, over the ears and cinched under the chin to keep it in place. The psychological problems of getting used to life on the tether are, to understate it, huge, and the physical problems with the cannula run a close second. The cannulas hurt your nostrils and hurt your ears. If you don't cinch them tight enough they tend to wander. For the first couple of years I was on oxygen I had to tape the tubing to my face at night because I would rip the cannula off in my sleep and throw it on the floor. Even now, after 6-1/2 years of toughening up, it takes several days to break in a new cannula.

So when I read that Paul Thompson's cannulas addressed every hateful complaint I'd ever leveled against the cannulas currently on the market, I immediately winged my check to San Diego. What I received by return mail was, hands down, the most comfortable cannula I have ever worn. You can barely feel it, and it stays in place without cinching! Instead of stiff plastic, the tubing is almost as soft as cooked spaghetti; it hangs lightly over the ears and rests gently in the nose. Five minutes after putting it on, I knew I had to get some of them for my mother, who will be 99 next Monday, who is on oxygen in New Jersey and whose cannula keeps ending up in her ears or up on her forehead, is always hurting and abrading her nostrils and has to be adjusted constantly.

"This thing" should be the cannula of choice for every hospital and oxygen provider in the country (make that on the planet). When oxygen patients get wind of it, they will demand it because it's the biggest oxygen breakthrough since liquid oxygen and Helios tanks. Those were big ticket items and this is a very medium ticket item that can make a big difference for everyone on oxygen. One of the major cannula manufacturers, Salter or Puritan-Bennett will surely buy the patent for it and it will, ideally, become standard equipment. Or maybe they will buy the patent and sit on it, preferring the cost savings of the present cheaper models. Meanwhile, I'm going to stockpile, and urge all of you on oxygen or who know people on oxygen to try these cannulas and start spreading the word.

Su Lum is a longtime local with no personal or financial connections with the Thompsons. Her column appears every Wednesday in The Aspen Times

Just wanted to take a minute and let you know that I went for a check-up last week and I asked my doc if he had been showing the cannula you sent to any of his patients. He said that "indeed he had", and that many of them are interested in them. He also said that he was very impressed with the workmanship and quality of the cannulas. So, I hope you are (or will be) getting some extra orders from this part of the country. Thought you might like to know how impressed the doc was! Hope things are going good for you. Your friend, --Beverly Watts

I'm so happy. I just received the 50' tubing and the 2 canulas. They have all exceeded my wildest expectations! I cannot believe how EXTRA SOFT they are! They smell really good too. You did a great job on these and I am so grateful to you for sending them so fast. Best regards, --LKR

Paul and Chris Thompson are sweethearts. They promptly work out any questions or problems you may have and you feel like you are calling a neighbor instead of a business.
Give them a try, if you can. --Mike in Maryland

Received the tubing and cannulas this afternoon. Good service. Love the 50 ft. tubing, what a breeze to deal with compared to my oxygen supplier tubing. Your product is certainly making my daily living on oxygen tolerable. Thank you again for your quick service. Will reorder as needed. So far my first cannula is doing fine, but I'll probably change it tomorrow as has been 2 weeks. Regards, --Diana Rinehart

My Apria service man was just here and I told him about your great cannulas. He was familiar with them as he has a client here in Tulsa (or the area) who also uses them. He also told me how great the 50 ft. tubing is and it really lays flat.

I just wanted to say thank you very much, I received the parcel last Friday, my mother was delighted with the soft tubing, particularly the cannulas, which were every bit as comfortable as your website states. Also the valve works great. Thank you for your time & patience with this order. Kind regards --Maura

My oxygen supplier (Apria) uses Salter Labs products and I definitely do not like those. The facility where we exercise (owned by St. Peter's Hospital in Albany) have cannulas available when we forget our own and they are a product of Allegiance Healthcare of Illinois. The nose piece is much more comfortable than the Salter products so I brought one home for use here. I am sure this is much more information than you needed to know on a rainy day Thanks for taking a personal interest in my "above the shoulders" problem and I pray your rain will stop and spring will be just around the corner. --Sally Devine

Received my order and was amazed on how soft and flexible the hose and canula were. I slept with the canula last night and still had my dent in the cheek problem, but it faded in about 4 hours?I sleep HARD!!! The canula nosepiece was very comfortable, but I will have to nip the length of the prongs a bit?but I think that will do it. Otherwize, next time just a snitch wider may be better, but I am very very satisfied and just wanted to thank you again for your assistance. I am going to mention your company to my respiratory RN as her company has kept me supplied with canulas at no cost? However, they weren't able to come up with anything that I could comfortably wear and I think they should know about your company. Regards, --Nancy Borman

Package came yesterday. I'm really surprised at how soft and "limber" they are. I used the new cannula during work-out this morning. What a change! I mentioned before that I'm new to Oxygen equipage. I know there must be many my age and older who are still "working out". Thanks for the quick turn around. --Bill Motley

I wanted to let you know...I received my cannula's today. I really appreciate the great service. You have a great product. A friend had sent me one of hers to try, I love them. Thanks again, --Mary Kremer

Good evening- My 10....C-O cannulas got here today in perfect order. Thanks for making your stuff available. It's a God send for me --Karen in (much warmer) Arkansas

I got the new tubing...... YIPPEE!!!!!........ and new cannulas......even more YIPPEE!!!I I had worn the previous cannula far too long and they get to the point that they are hard to keep on and just plain uncomfortable !! Also, I know that I should only keep the same tubing for just so long, in order to be safe. It felt so darn good to be breathing through the new tubing and with the new cannula !!!!! I could sure tell the difference !!! Thank you for getting them to me so quickly. Talk to you later. --Cheryle